Friday, May 27, 2011


So, I want to show you my custom DVD Boxes I've been making at home. I want to share with you people!So, hope you like them...
First one, a simple one:


Yep! I'm an artist! An a huge cinephile, loving all movies around the world. Why not making my Boxset DVD's?
I've started with the idea from a Videodrome edition, where the cover is like a VHS box.  I am honest: This is a replica for my Be Kind Rewind version. It's the same thing, ok? I'm not cheating.

A vintage box in paper, like the boxes from the eighties. Then, a larger DVD box (those for 6 or 8 discs) is inserted inside. Note the logos: Maxell, Fugi, Dynamicron... It is the brands I've had in my childhood :)

The outside didn't gone well... The glue got stuck outside and had the paper all bended. The corners are disproportional.
But among the other DVD's, no one notices.

Later I will add some filmcells, picture stills and other stuffs, along with the DVD in the left side.
Used a box for 6 DVD discs (wider than the normal amaray) to mimic a VHS tape.
The width is slightly longer, so I had to modify the composition of the picture.

1 comment:

F. Simensen said...

Dude! I came across your article while trying to seek down a VHS-version of Be Kind Rewind – and - this is so fucking awesome! I'm definitely gonna try this! :-D